Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Class of 2019!

So I know I've mentioned that I have already been accepted to medical school, but yesterday I was accepted to my #1 choice school!!! I was on the way home from yoga with a friend and we were winding up her parking garage when I saw the call with the school's area code. Best phone call ever!! I still can't believe it. Celebrations ensued and thankfully champagne and ice cream were already on hand.

My feet still probably haven't touched the ground yet, and they don't need to anytime soon. But, this still has me thinking; in the past week I found out that I get to go to present my thesis and I'm going to my dream school. If you had told me that a year ago, when I was working on med school things and writing my thesis, I probably would have laughed in your face. So, all that to say I've been extremely blessed these past few months and I just want to remember this feeling forever. (I know I'll need to think back to these moments when I'm studying away in med school)

Off to re-read everything on the school! I didn't want to get my hopes up so I only glanced through the material the first time around.


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