Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Interviews and 1/2 Marathons

Well it's been a busy few weeks for me recently. This past weekend I went back home for an interview at my #1 school! And, to top it off, the day before I left  I actually got invited to interview at another school near home. It's also a very good school, so I'm going to keep my options open and fly back in two weeks to interview with them.

Back to this weekend though... I LOVED the school! It was my #1 choice before I interviewed and I loved it even more after, if that's possible. The people, curriculum, facilities and mission are - in my opinion - perfect! I think the interviews both went well although one of my interviewers was more difficult to read. Another applicant who interviewed with her also said the same thing, so at least we were in the same boat. It's such a nerve racking process and now there's the waiting. I'm extremely fortunate to already have an acceptance at a very good school, but I reallllllyyyy want to get in here. At this point though, thank you notes are off and it's out of my hands. (Although my fingers are definitely crossed, and will stay that way until I hear)

The day ended earlier than expected, I think due to the fact that it was a Saturday interview, and it was fine by me. My mom and I took my dog to the forest preserve to go on a nice walk in the snow! It was sunny and actually quite warm with some of the snow melting. At one point we realized that we weren't actually walking on the ground anymore, we were on the not quite thick enough ice! That prompted a quick direction change but it was so nice to spend some time outside in the gorgeous weather. That evening we went to one of my favorite restaurants for a little dinner and had a great night.

Sunday we did yoga in the morning and then I was sadly off to the airport. Less than 48 hours at home was simply not enough, but thankfully I'll be back in two weeks for my next interview. That interview is on a Thursday and I planned a trip back to Colorado the week after, so I'm just making it one big vacation with a few days at home after the interview and then a week in Colorado!

And the second portion of this post, the 1/2 Marathon, I'm signed up for another one in May! I started a training program yesterday. Previously I haven't really followed a program, which is probably a bad thing, I know. But, with workouts for the team and practice, it was difficult to stick to a rigid program with certain days rest vs long runs etc etc. I'm hoping to break two hours this time around so I wanted to try a program. I'm going to start with the Nike+ Running app and see how it goes while also consulting Hal Higdon's Intermediate program too. Yesterday was an easy 3 mile day to start and today is a four mile fartlek.

What program(s) do you use when you are training?


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